(732) 867-7296

Our Services

Weekly/Bi-weekly Mowing

At Kingdom we provide high quality mowing services on weekly and bi-weekly schedules. When signing up for mowing service, the first thing we do is the initial cut. This first service usuallt consists of us preparing your property for the rest of the season. After that all of our employees follow a checklist to maintain your property to your standard (see check list below)

Bush Trimming

Sometimes all it takes to make your property look like a Kingdom is freshly trimmed bushes. We can trim your bushes back into shape, or trim them all the way down to the size of a small shrub again. After we finish trimming we also rake the beds out to make sure there is nothing left over.

Weed Pulling

Weeds are inevitable in plant beds. Let us pull them! We pull all the weeds in the beds by the roots, and then we give the option to spray weed killer where the weeds once were to make sure they don’t grow back again. We also give a more price efficient option of using the weed whacker to chop the weeds down the be as small as possible and then spray weed killer to keep them from growing back.


Looking to make your property look fresh again? Try mulch! Most homeowners in NJ use mulch to make their property look fresh and we can do that for you. We start by pulling all weeds in the beds, removing old mulch (if necessary), and then putting down the new mulch to make your property look good as new.

Seasonal Cleanups

Let’s face it, once it starts getting cold the leaves are going to start to fall. Your property shouldn’t have to be covered in leaves all winter! Let us clean them up for you! We offer leaf removal either to the curb or completely taken off the property. We also offer spring cleanups to prepare your property for the upcoming summer. This usually includes removing any leftover leaves from the fall, trimming bushes, pulling weeds, putting down new mulch, and more.

Planting/Removing Bushes

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Ivy removal

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